Started in 2016, Soothing Synergy is a woman-owned, 5-Star Yelp Rated business offering a safe environment that is inclusive of everyone. Lara Prietto-Boone, CMT is a San Diego State University graduate with a B.A. in Kinesiology. After spending years working in the corporate world, she decided to follow her passion for health and fitness by going back to school and graduated from CALCOPA Massage School in 2015 and is a CAMTC Certified Member.
Lara is a proud Long Beach resident and local foodie who loves the ocean, walking among trees, laughing with her friends and traveling with her husband and dog.
Remember: Self-Care starts with you! If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won't have to hear it scream. Call to make your appointment today and start your path to wellness.